Senin, 07 November 2011

8's CREW

8's CREW
ya....that's our name.
I never know who made this name and when it's born, I was a litle bit forgot about that.
But untill now our name is 8's CREW, maybe because we are eight so the name is 8's CREW.

Our friendship start when we were entered our lovely campus. We are classmates on A class, PGSD majority Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, and lovely campus Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia; and until nor we are very close friends........#greatfull about that

I wanna tell all of friends,,

Dia ini lahir dan besar di daerah Soreang, Ibu kota kabupaten bandung. She always look so georgeous on everyday because we all know that she is beautiful, white skin, sweet smile, dan dia banci kamera (sorry....tye!!!!). When we were take a photos togeteher she always show a very lovely smile like this ..........

ya....cantik kan temen saya,,,hehehe....#so bangga gini saya.
ok lanjut tentang tye..... her nickname, so simple.....
She is smart and brilliant....biasanya dia suka ngasih good idea or some brilliant advice for us....#ngapung si tye hehe......
She has marrige now....she is the first member whoes geeting marriege, exactly with her lovely soulmate Kang Rizki Fuqoha Syamsi. They have gotten a relationship almost 9 years until they getting merriage.....finally.
We are happy about that,

Do you see that???...they are very happy..........
Happy wedding.....
That's really true becouse I her her story and she said that she was very happy......
Congart Tye...........
Kami berdua (tye dan saya) belum PNS, tahun 2010 we had tried to follow CPNS but ya....belum rezekinya saja.....
Kami wisuda barengan, cuma kami berdua yang wisuda waktu itu.....yang lainnya belum pada selesai,,,,,
Ya....we take a photos,,,tetep ya tye....senyum 3 jari...but lovely smile tye................
That's all about tye.......

Second, DWI SARAH,S.Pd.
Dwi Sarah yang punya nama panggilan dwi dan sarah. dia asli orang Ciawi Tasikmalaya. Dia itu mohlek...(Ihahahahhaaa..............apa itu mohlek),,,,cantik, baik banget, sometimes brilliant....(hehe.....heureuy dwi!!!). Dwi live with her aunt in Bandung but now she work at Tasik. Dia jago banget kalau masalah karawitan degung, I wanna be her student.
Kami selalu mendapatkan cerita-cerita seru dan menggelikan dari Dwi,,,one of the best story teeler I think hehe.....
She had get in toutch with her lovely Ferry Ginanajar. Maybe ga lama lagi mereka nyebar undangan naik pelaminan, Amin........
Do you know what?, kita selalu bilang kalau Kang Rizki (suami Tye) sama Ferry (pacar Dwi) look like a twins. Tapi beneran lho...tapi sich kalo dilhat sekilas aja menurut saya.
Dwi juga belum PNS tapi kayaknya merriage first deh.......
nden doakan semoga cepat menikah ya Dwi.........
that's all about dwi............

We called her "eneng" as her first name. She's from Cibeber Cianjur. She is miss glasses, miss perfect always in everything. She is miss rapi, baik, balak2an, apa adanya, kind, but sometimes she is very jutek.....tapi tetep I love her,,,eneng esti yang dilligent, smart, hard worker, brilliant, catik juga....................
There is one story from her, when we were lectured she can't wear square hijab, ya...that's really true.....but now look at that......she is beautiful with her hijab now.
She has chubby pipi, white skin dan kalau kepanasan atau eat some spicy food her pipi or face become red like a boil crabs....haha,,,,she always said llike that lho.........
Gratefull, she has been a PNS and work at far-far away place,,maybe like Amazon forest hahaha...........I don't know tapi yang pasti miss perfect dan rapi will always stick on her.
Ayo.neng nikah what are you waiting for?.

oya...neng esti always give me some rice when my rice stock is habis. Thanks ya neng atas beras cianjurnya..........made me still alive tiil now #lebay...
Dia ini anak bungsu yang tidak manja dan cengeng but she is very strong and work harder.
that's all for neng esti.

She is very close to me. Sometimes I can't understand her but she is my lovely friend. She is a llitle bit introvert. Feni adalah anak bungsu dari 3 bersaudara. Dia juga dari Cianjur. Sahabatnya neng esti since they were on SMP. Dia adalah member yang paling jsangat jarang difoto. Dalam 4 tahun bersama saya hanya punya foto 2 atau 3 foto. Ibu yang satu ini sometimes strange........
She's smart, brilliant, sometimes strange, my crazy friend...hahahaha,,,we always laughing together..
uh...I miss that time so much. Dia juga udah PNS sekarang dan she work in really Amazon she said.
Dia ini rajin shaumnya, shalat malemnya juga, kalo makan dikit banget, miss sambel, kalau makan bakso kuahnya semua sambel, ampun deh..........
Her mother is everything for her. She is very hardworker. She always help me and cheer me up when I was sad and feeling down. Thanks for being my cheerleader.
She is miss rapi too.....bersih, rajin, sholehah.
what else.........????
that's all lah ya...........

that's all for now, next i will continue my testimoni............
becouse I am sleepy...

See ya.............

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This is my story  Actually this is not a right way or the right flatform for me to tell everything I feel now.  Semua berawal dari kisah say...